How to remove worms with folk remedies?

Worms are fairly common parasites and affect both humans and animals. About 250 species of worms are currently known to parasitize the human body, whether they are adults or children. Listed below are folk remedies for worms.

worm from the human body how to remove

Very often, helminthic diseases are referred to as "diseases of unwashed hands. "This name is due to the fact that the main causes of such diseases are directly related to a person’s lifestyle, the level of their everyday culture.

Traditional medicine methods that can cope with this disease

pomegranate root

30 grams of sour pomegranate bark powder, when washed with hot water, quickly poisons well and takes away worms.

Lemon grains

Lemon can also help remove parasites from the body. The lemon grains should be ground to a powder and 2-3 grams of powder should be taken with warm water 2-3 times a day for half an hour before a meal. This will be easy to do at home.

horseshoe root

You can also drive out parasites this way. Three times a day before meals 0, 2-0, 5 grams of European hoof root powder should be taken.

green walnut

This method can poison parasites. Pour 5 tablespoons of chopped green walnut shell with 2 cups of honey, cook in a closed bowl in a water bath for half an hour. 3-4 times a day with a teaspoon of tea.

head of garlic

This can be another effective way to remove parasites. Cut the heads of the onion or garlic with the worms, stick to a glass of cold water overnight, seal tightly, strain. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink this infusion in small sips.

Weak garlic enema

To remove fungal worms at home, you can make an enema from a weak garlic infusion. In this way, the worms are removed fairly quickly.

Blank leaves and pumpkin seeds

Mix wormwood leaf powder and pumpkin seed powder in equal volumes. Pour 0, 3 of the volume of the bottle with the mixture, pour vodka on top. Insist on heat or sunshine for 7 days, shaking the contents from time to time, filter and squeeze out the rest. Take 50 grams twice a day, half an hour before lunch and dinner for several weeks until complete recovery.

Walnuts fruits, seeds and oil

Mix a glass of fresh, chopped green walnut shells with 3 glasses of sugar or honey, cook in a closed bowl on low heat for 60 minutes, stirring constantly. The syrup is filtered off and the residue is squeezed out. Store in a dark cool place. Take as an anthelmintic a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

To remove roundworms and tapeworms, it is advisable to consume walnut grains on an empty stomach, to repel tapeworms - 30-60 grams of walnut oil with dry grape wine. Also, in case of helminthic invasion, take a tablespoon of walnut oil three times a day before meals.

Tansy, onion or garlic

Mix the chopped tansy herb and the onion or garlic in equal proportions. Pour milk 50 grams of the mixture into 0, 5 liters of boiling milk. Stick to it, wrapped, half an hour, torso. The infusion expels helminth samples, especially worms, in the form of an enema.

Infusion of bitter wormwood

To get rid of tapeworms, drink 3 tablespoons of infusion of wormwood leaves for 10 days, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed. During the day, it is recommended to consume 0, 5 cups of freshly grated carrots.

Empty root

Common wormwood also helps remove parasites. Pour 30 grams of dry crushed wormwood (Chernobyl) root into 0. 5 liters of beer, boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Consume 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times daily before meals in case of prolonged diarrhea to expel round worms.

Blow in the garlic head

Pour the crushed medium garlic over a glass of boiling water, cook on low heat for 10 minutes in a closed vessel, cool and filter. Then pour a tablespoon of dry chopped grasses with 1, 5 cups of boiling water, stick it, wrapped for 60 minutes, filter. Combine both infusions and make an enema to kill the fungal worms. Try to keep the fluid as long as possible. The duration of treatment is one week. Repeat if necessary after a break of 1-2 weeks.

Jasmine leaf juice

To drive out flatworms, you should drink 30 grams of juice from jasmine leaves and flowers on an empty stomach in the morning. This method helps to remove worms from the body.

You can use the following tips when treating worms with folk remedies:

  1. The pear seed is an active anthelmintic.
  2. For all types of worms, it is useful to chew one tablespoon of raw rice a day and swallow it slowly.

We have learned that a wide list of folk remedies are suitable for treating worms. Removal of helminth samples is not a problem when using any of the above methods of conventional medicine.