Methods for cleaning the body of parasites

If you ask your veterinarian: why do animals get sick? He will answer - from the parasites. Man, like all mammals, becomes ill, accumulates toxins, and becomes infected. Unlike animals, humans are creatures endowed with intelligence and culture, experience and knowledge to cleanse the body of parasites.

Preparing to cleanse the body

If obvious signs of infection are found, such as skin rash, bruxism, spontaneous allergic manifestations, chronic loss of power, increase or decrease in appetite, it is recommended that an examination and initiation of a parasite cleansing course be initiated. The parasitic world is diverse and each member occupies its own gap in the human life system. The risk group includes not only exotic tongs, but also others living on Earth. But before the treatment of parasites in the human body begins, one must prepare for it.


The process of setting up a parasitosis involves diagnosing and analyzing the patient’s condition. Because of the large number of worms per species, the type of invasion is determined by live blood drop testing and vegetative resonance testing. The methods are simple, reliable and provide a reasonable initial treatment. It should be noted that the method of removing the helminth is also determined by the results of the tests.

diagnosis of parasitosis and methods of treatment


It should be treated with food and folk remedies. We are what we eat! We need to eat in a way that takes into account antiparasitic prophylaxis and kills and expels uninvited guests in addition to the existing invasion.

  1. For greater efficiency, decontamination is preceded by decontamination.
  2. In addition, the fight against parasites begins with changes in diet and drinking patterns. For a few weeks, it’s better to stick to the vegetarian concept. Drink a glass of water every hour. Excludes sweet, floury, refined, semi-finished products. A diet full of spices, condiments, plant foods and herbs will help cleanse the abnormal microflora.

body cleansing methods

Authoring program

The developer of non-traditional treatment programs describes the method of cleaning against worms in publications. His book, "How to Get Rid of Parasites in the Human Body, " suggests testing for enterobiasis and identifying the risk of infection. The release is then presented step-by-step with recipes based on herbs, vegetables, and other foods.

doctor and method for cleaning it from parasites

The author of non-traditional methods advises that folk remedies be used to combat such pests. There are 4 ways to get rid of parasites:

  1. Fast 3 times a year for 5 days. Fasting activates the body's defenses and proceeds as follows: drink only water for 3-5 days and perform a cleansing enema in the evening. It is prepared as follows: 2 liters of warm water and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  2. Apple detox. The puree is made from apples through a grater, adding 2 drops of castor oil. The composition should be taken three times a day.
  3. Wash (for eye infections), for internal use or by enema.
  4. Antiparasitic tansy and bitter wormwood are included in its program as natural remedies to help the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder function. The combination of two strong active ingredients guarantees a healing effect in cleansing the body. The author recommends that you will need a pinch of dansy and wormwood cooked with boiling water (about 300 grams). Allow the solution to stand. Strain and drink 50 grams three times a day.

The total duration of treatment is 12 months with regular use of the methods.

Medical method

Parasite Cleansing offers a 2-week course on Parasite Cleanse! appeared in. The fight takes 3 days and each contains 3 actions.

The first stage affects all parasites:

  1. Drink wormwood infusion before bedtime and after bedtime before meals.
  2. The strongest remedy that paralyzes the worm’s body and speeds up its extraction is wormwood oil, added dropwise to food. The material is not recommended for children and the elderly.
  3. Garlic infusion helps get rid of fungal worms. Crush two cloves of garlic, bring to a boil with boiling water, keep overnight and strain in the morning. The infusion is not drunk but is injected into the rectum.

The second stage begins five days after the first and lasts for a week. It is recommended that parasites be removed from a person using agents that act on the microbead samples. For this, herbal infusions with strong phytoncidal properties are used.

  1. In the morning, take 300 grams of pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach, washed with a mixture of chamomile, oak bark, sea buckthorn and tansy (half a glass is enough).
  2. Make a saline enema. 30 grams of dissolved salt is used as a cleaning agent.
  3. Repeat an hour later as you feel it.

At this stage, the complex parasites experience a double blow. The paralyzed and beaten should be quickly removed from the body with a salt enema, and the remaining ones should be treated with herbs. Sea buckthorn and oak bark contribute to better intestinal function.

There remains a fixation phase aimed at getting rid of the parasites in the liver. The method focuses on cleansing the body with olive oil and lemon, which helps get rid of worms when toxins and toxins accumulate in the liver canals and helminths coexist with them.

The author of the program warns based on practical experience that a person who has recovered from parasitosis is still experiencing noticeable mucosal vulnerability. This is because many microorganisms damage membranes, so organs must be left for about seven days between cleansings to recover. The cleansing of the body from parasites during these intervals should be supported by a healthy diet, with the mandatory addition of squeezed carrot, beet, pepper juice and herbs.

Parasite pills

Chemical preparations are not able to completely remove parasites from the body. Taking antiparasitic drugs often causes toxic outbreaks and negative reactions. Not to mention that chemotherapy can kill the liver. For example, few know that an effective drug has been used in narcology in the past to detect alcohol, so it can cause allergic redness. The instructions do not describe the shades associated with the chemical loading of the drug, but only provide dosing information, a warning to overdose, and indications of intake.

Modern people struggle with gastrointestinal disorders and are often not ready to take a pill. The gastrointestinal tract is one of the first barriers to infection. It is attacked hundreds of times a day by microorganisms: bacteria, fungi and worms. Upon entering, they begin to absorb sugars, vitamins and trace elements that are important to humans. In return, they produce toxic human waste products that go beyond the digestive system. The migration of worms and larvae increases the poisoning, which is why it is very important to see a doctor before taking the medication.

medicines to cleanse the body of parasites

Folk remedies for cleaning

Extracts of anthelmintic plants are tansy, thyme and wormwood as well as garlic and cloves. The cleansing composition frees the digestive system from harmful pets and reduces the rate of parasite damage to the intestines. Bitter plants dry and cool the body, thanks to this property they suppress inflammation and eliminate the pathogenic infection. The purpose of burning cultures is to support blood circulation and metabolism. As a result, they destroy toxins and strengthen the immune system.

Silicon and vegetable juice modify the feeding process between cleansings. Thanks to the special colloidal charges, the chemical element is able to attract, destroy and remove toxins and harmful micro- and macro-organisms. Silicon water is effective against parasites in the bloodstream. Silicon is found in vegetables and cereals. Horseradish, whole grains, sweet peppers, cucumbers replenish its reserves.